Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Kinda like the original, but funnier!

No, not me.  I'm neither new nor improved.  I'm talking about one of my favourite types of humour: the parody.



1. a humorous or satirical imitation of a serious piece of literature or writing: his hilarious parody of Hamlet's soliloquy.
2. the genre of literary composition represented by such imitations.
3. a burlesque imitation of a musical composition.

verb (used with object)
7. to imitate (a composition, author, etc.) for purposes of ridicule or satire.
8.  to imitate poorly or feebly; travesty.
In layman's terms, to mock mercilessly with the intent of making others laugh.
In my past, I would make up parody's of songs to describe co-workers (one summer I redid all the Grease songs).  I would also do up annual invitations to a girls weekend and Christmas party.  These have always been well received and I seem to have a bit of a talent for it.  I also have the uncanny talent to just come up with stuff off the cuff.
So, enough about my amazing talent!  The whole reason that I've started today's post is to pay tribute for some of my favourite parodies.
One of the funniest from recent years that makes me laugh every time is I've Got a Parody.  You must watch this!  
I almost ranted about singers who talk not sing, which is a growing musical trend.  Think Ke$ha, Britney, Rhiana, Chris Brown, Usher they all speak their lyrics with a sort of sing-song type of cadence that apparently is considered singing.
As I was looking for a different Ke$ha parody, I found this one which states exactly that. Make sure you check this one out too since it's an amusing look at Tik Tok.
I'm a huge Star Wars geek and this was sent to me by a friend (who also likes to send me web links to stuff that completely distract me from a productive working day).
Now I realize that there are lots of others out there.  Family Guy is always doing something hilarious with songs. The Simpsons began that years ago.  My favourite Simpson's one, the one that literally made me fall of the couch was the one where Mr. Burns sings "See My Vest".  I was working for the Dis ney company back then and to this day I remember the first three verses. Unfortunately Fox doesn't like people to share their video clips so you'll just have to be satisfied with the audio.
I could keep going, but I think you've got the idea. 
Let me know what your favourite parody is.  Link it if you can and I'll check it out!
I also hold no responsibility for any productive time lost while you surf any of the main sites my links may take you too (esp. collegehumour).

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